Representatives from Mildura Rural City Council, the Victorian Government, Member for Mildura Ali Cupper and local sporting user groups were on hand today to mark the official sod-turning for Stage 2 of the Mildura Sporting Precinct (MSP).
Mildura-based King Construction Group were earlier this year awarded the contract to undertake the second stage of the precinct, which is expected to be completed in mid-2023.
Stage 2 will include:
- Second multi-use oval with a centre wicket and LED Lighting (150lux)
- Change rooms, umpires facilities and storage
- New ground floor social room
- Sports administration hub on level 1
- Four indoor squash courts
- Four outdoor netball courts
- Four outdoor beach volleyball courts
- Indoor seating improvements
- External seating improvements to Ovals 1 and Oval 2
- External Shade improvements
- Window blinds for Court Hall One
- Electronic Scoreboard for Oval 1
- Cricket practice nets
- Extension of car park
- Parking access around Oval 1
- Landscaping improvements
- Perimeter and ticket fencing
Mildura Mayor Liam Wood said this stage of works would build on the major successes that have already been achieved through the first stage of the precinct.
“Since the precinct opened late last year, we’ve already seen it deliver on many of the outcomes it promised, despite only being partly completed.
“We’ve attracted a major sporting partner in the Bendigo Spirit, which will bring nationally-televised Women’s National Basketball League (WNBL) games to Mildura, there’s been a sharp increase in participation and growth in several indoor sports, we’ll host a Bendigo Pioneers game in June, and we recently saw the first successful round of SNFL at the precinct, and this is just the start.
“Stage 2 will realise the full potential of this precinct, not only attracting more sports, including squash, outdoor netball and beach volleyball, but deliver external seating improvements to both outdoor ovals, more indoor seating, more shade and more car parking among a host of features.”
Cr Wood said none of this would be possible without the support of the Victorian Government, Local Member for Mildura Ali Cupper, and the numerous state, national and local sporting groups who’ve contributed to the project.
The Victorian Government has contributed $10 million to Stage 2, and other funding through the Local Sports Infrastructure Fund for outdoor netball courts ($500,000) and lighting, and additional cricket scope facilities ($250,000).
Victorian Parliamentary Secretary for Sport Danielle Green, and Member for Mildura Ali Cupper were on hand to turn the first sod today with Deputy Mayor Jason Modica.
Quotes attributable to Parliamentary Secretary for Sport Danielle Green
“We’re proud to be getting on with projects that deliver more opportunities for Victorians to enjoy the sports they love at quality venues like the Mildura Sporting Precinct.
“The new facilities will deliver a great new base for even more local sports and provide this bustling regional hub the opportunity to host the best of the best.
“Better facilities make it easier for Victorians to get back into local sport and recreation and live active and healthy lifestyles.”
Attributable to Member for Mildura, Ali Cupper
“These next 12 months are so exciting because Stage 2 of works will see everything coming together, and the vision for this sporting precinct will be fully realised.
“Sporting codes that will soon be moving into the precinct are expecting a huge surge in interest and registrations, and the installation of additional seating, shade and car parking will see the site reaching its full potential.”
Sunraysia Volleyball Inc. President Isaac Fabich said the addition of beach volleyball courts at the precinct would make Mildura an attractive proposition for major events.
“The beach courts will be some of the first inland beach facilities in Victoria and provide not only locals with a new sporting activity but have the ability to attract state and national events to the Mildura region,” Mr Fabich said.
Mildura Squash Club and Incorporated President Paul Takacs said the introduction of squash courts at the Mildura Sporting Precinct would pave the way for increased growth and awareness in the sport.
“The introduction of four brand new courts at the Mildura Sporting Precinct will allow us to significantly increase participation and grow our sport again,” Mr Takacs said.
“It will allow us to attract more people from a broader range of age groups and backgrounds than we do at the moment.
“It will also allow us to introduce doubles competition, which we aren’t able to at present, as well as provide another cross-training option for people who may not play squash, given the health and fitness benefits our sport offers.
“We are extremely excited and looking forward to the future of our sport. The squash community is very grateful to the work done by many and the support at all levels of government to get this project to competition. We cannot wait to see everyone hitting a squash ball on the new courts soon.”
Mildura Sporting Precinct – Stage 2 $11.914 million
Victorian Government – $10,000,000
AFL Facilities Program – $250,000
Cricket Australia/Cricket Victoria and Local Sports Infrastructure Funding to deliver remaining cricket scope – $365,490
Sunraysia Volleyball Incorporated – $45,000
Mildura Rural City Council – $1,253,438
Mildura Sporting Precinct – Outdoor netball courts and lighting $1.110 million
Victorian Government Local Sports Infrastructure Fund – $500,000
Community Contribution – $365,000
(Mildura Netball Association, South Mildura Sporting Club, Sunraysia Football League)
Mildura Rural City Council – $245,763